Thursday, March 31, 2011

Macy's Flower Show

So yesterday I had my internship in the city for a design group. My boss gave me permission to stop by the Macy's Flower Show on 34th. Goodness it was beautiful! I wish I had a better camera but I only had my phone, so for that I apologize. This is also why I am doing another mobile update, to save myself the trouble of uploading the photos from my phone, considering I don't know how. Definitely a good idea for downloading this app! Below is what I saw. Enjoy!

Also, the photo of that stunner is who I saw coming out of the show. Yes, that is his dog. No, he didn't speak English. Only in that melting pot of NEW YORK!

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  1. aw that looks so pretty!
    glad you got to go see it!

  2. Great, how interesting and fun.
    Thanks for sharing.


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